Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Thank God for this day!

Today is THE day!!
I know this mama's not gonna ever anticipate this day as a day to play jokes on people.  Not anymore.
Today I will sit in a hard seat at the Bremer County Courthouse and listen to a judge tell me that this girl, this beautiful happy little girl is now Dan and my daughter, just as if she would have been born to us.  Nothing can separate her from our family.  Because legally in a few (long) hours, she will be a part of us.
There will be no one to report to.  No one to call and confirm that I'm doing something right for her.... by their standards, not mine. 
The judge will read her new legal name.  We will be given an adoption decree.  We will eventually get a birth certificate with our names on it. 
Nothing can separate us. 
And relief washes over me.  Love fills my heart. And you can't make me unhappy.
{Even with our basement currently FULL of water after FINALLY getting running water back last night... after two months without.  Now our sewer is clogged.   Haha.  Good job,  God. You got your prank in there today. Not so funny for us though}
We have loved this girl from day one {day 4 of her life}. We had to fight for her in ways that I know is not typical in the foster care system.  And there were many times of real disappointment and discouragement.  But we were willing to do anything for her.  She was our daughter in our hearts then... and she's our daughter on paper today. 
I can't express how much her adoption has blessed us.  When I'm having a bad day, her giggles turn it all around for me.  When I'm tired at night and frustrated that she's awake, her dive-in-to-my-chest, sort of hugs make me want to hold her all night, forget about the time.  Watching A and P act absolutely absurd to vie for laughter from her is always heartwarming.
She has overcome the odds.  She's a happy, beautiful girl.  One I will fight for for as long as I live.  One I will root for.
One I am proud of. 
I am so lucky to be her mom.
I'm her mom

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