Monday, October 26, 2015

Do not fear, for I am with you- A Halloween post

The bible states "Do not fear" some 365 times.  I think that means God is trying to drill that thought and lesson into our hearts and minds, wouldn't you say?  
He is saying, "Listen, life on earth is hard, but I'm with you.  Im the Creator of heaven and earth, so what shall you fear?"
Really- if God has our back, why is there one iota of fear in our minds/ hearts?  Like...ever?

I think we are doing something wrong with this whole Halloween thing, guys.  As a culture, as a society, as a nation.
Looking at costumes, I see that scary disguises aren't  geared just toward adults.  They are marketed at infant and toddler ages. Say what???  Why would a toddler boy want to be some gory blood sucking vampire a scary skeleton, or a red, horned devil?  

{And just an FYI: Costume parties and dressing up in characters do not bother me one bit.  Imagination is key during childhood.  Pretending to be someone else develops life experience and knowledge similar to reading a book, and traveling to a far away land.  Im down with that.}

The Halloween decorations, guys- the spider webs, the spooky lighting and eery music, the tombstones with jumping skeletons, the witches, and on and on- they are completely contradicting Gods daily message to his people.
Do not fear.
Instead of helping our fellow sisters and brothers to see the truth of Gods love and the reason in which we have nothing to fear, we are CREATING fear in the hearts of our young children all month long with this silly Halloween theme.  
I can't help but believe that the numbers of children having nightmares increases tenfold during the month of October.  We are actively allowing the enemy into our children's minds with every witch hat, every hanging ghost, every devil costume.
And then when our child, comes crying to our bedside, we mutter things like, "Honey, there's nothing to be scared of.  We are right here."  The same message God repeatedly whispers to us in the word.
Such a contradiction.  We are sending mixed signals to our children.  The enemy will try to make his presence in the lives of our children, without our encouragement, without our hands playing a part.

I am not trying to always be that person- you know the one- that always poo-poos every cultural standard...  And tries to ruin the fun for everyone.  I know I think differently than many of you want to think, and thats ok.  I just want to be more mindful of how God feels about these things we do, here, during our time on earth.

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