Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A blog from 2010

I recently went back to a blog, mostly a private journal for myself that I started in 2009.
And I found this entry dated 2/23/10
This is the beginning of probably many posts in our family's quest to adopt one or two more children to add to our family. We know that this is going to be a long process, so we are taking it slow, and just starting to talk about it.
I have wanted to adopt since I was probably 16 and had learned of the extreme poverty and large numbers of orphans in Africa. It always makes my "heart swell" (one of my famous sayings) when I see what I believe is an adoptive family.  Reading and reading about poverty (primarily in Ethiopia, Nicaragua, and now Haiti) I am broken hearted. There is so much that I wish that I could do, but know that I alone can not do. 

I have committed my heart to be a mother and a wife. But never has this committment been to my own biological children alone. I have so much love to give and have always wanted to adopt, primarily internationally. 
Finding a partner that would choose to do this with me, and see the need to give children love and security regardless of their heritage, is a blessing.
Dan and I have agreed that we will adopt and start the process when we have a new, larger home. Once that home is found, we will start the paperwork and proceed with a home study. 

I am excited."

I smile at the changes that have occurred since that post.  I am happy God put it in our hearts to adopt.  I am humored by what we thought that process would look like, when God clearly had other plans.
Now in 2015, we have four children, two of whom came to us in the last two years via adoption.
I can say with 100% certainty that our family is done adding children biologically.  But I can not say for sure that our family is finished and that we won't adopt again.
I no longer feel this unsatisfied need for another child.  I don't long to add to my crew to fulfill some feeling inside of me.  But I am very aware that there is a need and a desire for thousands of children in America, a desire to be part of a family.
So I am working on my role in that.  Im trying to be obedient to God, and give where I can give.