Monday, November 3, 2014

James 1:27 and my biblical view on Orphan Care

Im not a preacher.
By no means.
Sometimes I feel as though my biblical knowledge is very much like a child's.  I feel immature and uneducated and can't use big fancy words to describe my faith and the scriptures in which I found my beliefs.  I think simple thoughts and speak simple language.

But James 1:27 has been an important scripture in my life the last year, give or I'm gonna talk about it: 

 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

I personally understand that God has given me orphan care as a mission.
Similarly, in general, He has made me to be a mother.  
And in which, he gave me the heart to love and nurture children. 
 I am thankful for the four that live under my roof.  Glad that they are loved on everyday by both their mother and their father. 

 So many children in the world don't have that.

And while that burden doesn't lie on me alone to solve, it does rely on ALL of us.

If you know me at ALL, you will know that I have been speaking on the border children crisis these last few months.  Approximately 75,000 children are here-in our country- without parents, and morally, I feel that is a responsibility Christian households should take upon their shoulders.
I know many families that are willing to take children, physically, into their homes.  That is awesome!  An amazing example of love for the rest of the world to witness.  A testimony to the love that Jesus poured out onto us, the orphans who were lost until He saved us.

That being said, more families than not, are probably not in the right place to take in additional children into their homes.  And I understand that.  There are many legitimate reasons why it is not right for some.

Lets examine James 1:27.  
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and keep oneself from being polluted by the world.  
I don't specifically see the description of pure religion in Gods eyes as: ADOPTION.  I don't even see it saying FOSTERING children.
So I don't believe it is God's intention for all people to adopt or take orphans, or in my recent concerns, these Central American kids, into their homes.


I do, however, believe that we ALL are intended to care for orphans, and display that care.
We can do that by supporting the families who take in these children.  Financially, emotionally, spiritually.  Taking the family a meal.  Babysitting for the family.
We can pray for the families, and for the children.
We can use our personal talents to benefit these kids.  A lawyer may donate time to represent a child who legally has no representation.  A bilingual adult may take the time to help teach the children some English.  A teacher may volunteer to help the children catch up in their education.  A doctor may donate his or her services for children who do not have health insurance.
But thats not all.
Be a mentor to these kids.  Take them to a play, a football game, to the mall.  Show an interest.
So many studies have showed, that the more adults show interest in one child, the more successful that child will grow to become.  

..And simply love the children.  It makes a world of difference.
My kids feel so loved by many families in our church.  So many adults take the time to talk to them, listen to them and give them hugs every Sunday morning.
Wouldn't those simple actions make a difference for a child who has experienced hell on Earth, who have had months, if not years without an adult showering them with affection?

I believe God calls us all to different things.  We are all living with His intention. But we all have a different purpose.
And adoption isn't for everyone.  Fostering is not for everyone.
But CARING FOR, and looking after orphans in their distress is a job anyone can do...just in different ways.  And I think each Christian should search their soul and heart, and find a way to show they care about orphan children.  

{Again, orphan care is my personal purpose, so I'm trying to educate others about it.  I don't negate or want to diminish all the other things our Father has called us to do.  I'm simply reminding American Christians in particular (because we don't encounter orphans on a daily basis) how God wants us to care for His children. }

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