Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Welcome Baby Boy!

Baby P2 is here!!!

Sunday morning at 425 am, I woke to my cell phone ringing.  I looked and I had missed two calls from BM.  I sat straight up and called her back immediately.

She said, "I am really having contractions, I think you should think about getting here!"

In a matter of 15 minutes, we had changed clothes, woke up kids, packed a few things to eat and all five of us were  on the road.  A two hour drive that seemed like an eternity.  I couldn't barely eat or drink, my nerves were on high alert.

We got to the hospital in which BM was delivering around 6:30.  I went right up to her room by myself, and a nurse gave Dan and the kids a separate hospital room to wait, watch tv and eat.

Everything went pretty fast when I got there and baby P was born at 7:23, while I watched and took pictures. I even got the honor of cutting his umbilical cord.  After he was cleaned up and measured, I got to take him over to Dan and the kids.  They all held him and tried to feed him.  He got a lot of kisses by everyone.  Everyone was totally in love with him.  I never wanted to stop holding him.

He is beautiful and healthy, all 8 lbs and 10 oz of him.  He has a head full of brown wavy hair.  Dark eyes.  He's quiet and alert.  He's not at all what I expected, and yet even more.

We had to come back home with the kids that night.  Dan and I are going this morning to pick him up and bring him home, forever! I am soo excited to get him here and introduce him to friends and family!  I have been oohing over all the pictures I took of him since we left him to come home.  {By the way, weirdest feeling in the world to leave the hospital without your baby...Never want to do that again...It hurt my heart!}

Here he is with Mama!  

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